Smart home security firm Abode has been making quite a bit of noise of late. Last year, their Iota Security System rolled out a firmware update for HomeKit users. Most recently, they all but stole the HomeKit show at CES 2020 winning 9to5mac’s Best HomeKit Tech award. Now, they are hoping to keep up their stride with the announcement of retroactive HomeKit integration for their Smart Security Kit.

HomeKit compatibility brings users the ability to arm and disarm their security system once the Smart Security Kit gateway has been added to HomeKit. Once the firmware for the gateway has been updated and it’s up and running in HomeKit, any Abode contact, occupancy, and motion sensors connected to the Smart Security Kit gateway will be exposed to HomeKit.

In addition to being able to include arming and disarming of the security system in HomeKit scenes and automations, users can also opt-in to notifications of security system activity, including the sensors. As expected, you’re also able to use the Abode sensors to trigger other HomeKit accessories and scenes via automations.

The diY smart security firm also reiterated their commitment to Apple’s connected home platform across their lineup, saying:

The abode Gen 1 gateway remains in certification with Apple and HomeKit compatibility will be made available upon certification completion…

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